Fighting Fantasy - The Citadel of Chaos & Troika!

The Citadel of Chaos & Troika!

'Part story, part game, this is the book with a difference - 
one in which YOU become the hero!

The Fighting Fantasy choose your own adventure - and yes you are the hero! 

You must have heard of the amazing series of books that first hit the bookshops in the 80s, and if not then your quest is to seek out the fountain of knowledge (also known as the Wiki of Pedia) rather than read my ramble (Wikipedia - Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks) and come back after - fly you fools!

The first book The Warlock of Firetop Mountain came out in 1982 and its sequel The Citadel of Chaos, the following year.

My original copy - 1983 Puffin Books

The series went on to include around a hundred books including books on its own roleplaying system where you could create adventures for you to run for your friends simialr to D&D but with a much simpler game system - but you know that as you read the wiki page.

Troika! roleplaying game uses the same system and I ordered the rulebook and four adventure books but the King's Royal Mail has yet to deliver - the strikes have not helped things. Although there is an SRD doc (Troika! SRD) I do prefer to read the books as intended with the lavish, crazy, and colourful illustrations to compliment and expand on the meaning of the rules, style and setting.

So in the meantime, I'm going to refresh myself on the system and be the hero in The Citadel of Chaos and see how far I can get - although I mostly fail my luck rolls, so not very far I expect. 

I've photocopied the Adventure (character) Sheet and I'm going to note down the monsters and NPCs I meet so I can use their stats for later adventures I create that I can expose to my players.

I'll do a follow-up on the stats for the various monsters and NPC in a later post. So wish me luck in the Citadel of Chaos which (as the back cover states) holds a dark and dangerous peril for anyone foolhardy enough (that's me) to venture through the gruesome gates!

So farewell and may the dice be ever in your favour! - Fatty Troll.

Buy Troika!

Wikipedia - Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks

Troika! SRD)


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